Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dominant as Pygmalion

This piece of artwork, and indeed a lot of Michael Parkes' artwork, has a distinctive D/s feel to it.

While not readily apparent to many people I find much of his art speaks to me on that level, although I suspect that Mr. Parkes may simply be expressing the Pygmalion myth of artist as creator.

To me that speaks to the idea of dominant as creator; a creator who sculpts their images of relationship/sex/love/psychology onto his/her human medium. This is not to suggest that submissives/masochists/slaves are blank slates, but rather beautiful pieces of marble, clay, wood, or canvas with flaws and gifts that the sculptor uses to create something even more beautiful.

Maybe this is a lofty idea, maybe this is an unattainable goal, but I do know that after many years of submission I am certainly a much more attractive product.

The work of many dominants has left its mark on me, and I'm much closer to living at my real potential than I have ever been before. I've accomplished things and discovered hidden talents, sometimes reluctantly at first, things I can take pride in now .

(Cooking comes to mind!)

One of the main requirements I now have of a dominant partner is that they take an interest in my abilities and talents, and make it a priority to encourage and support my further growth. I think this is a great responsibility but one that is not too much to ask in exchange for my service, obedience, and loyalty.

No relationship street can take you far if it only goes one way.

I don't believe the artist, or the dominant, goes unchanged by their creative endeavours either. I'd like to think that they themselves grow and reach a greater potential through the efforts of their dominance.

Even a spanking can leave its marks, on both parties, physically as well as spiritually/emotionally...

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